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A little gag comic. If Neyrelle and I went to the Jasmine Dragon, chaos would ensue. (In this alternate universe, I’m a waterbender and she’s a firebender).

Pens, cleaned up and shaded roughly in Photoshop

I could seriously write essays on why Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the greatest shows of all time. Of all time. Doing so would simultaneously make me revere the creators and hate M Night Shymalamafailsauce for bombing the movie so spectacularly. But this is an art blog, so… I made art. I’ve been experimenting with semi-realism a lot, but drawing real people bore me. Drawing fictional people are more fun.

I am one of those girls who ship Zuko and Katara. As to Toph and Sokka, no, not really, but they were fun to color. Aang, Mai, Azula and Ty Lee remain sketches until I figure out something new to do with them. Maybe I will paint them in Photoshop.

sketchy sketches:

Expect more Avatar art along with my usual mumbo-jumbo!

The muses must be smiling down upon me (either that or I finally realized that I will have more hours to draw if I don’t sleep, and in my insomniatic delirium I produce masterpieces) but OH MY GOD a new blog post in less than a week after my last one! What is this world coming to?!

I’ve only just begun to re-realize how good it feels to draw for yourself and to just break loose and have fun. Forget how much those pens cost (I think I’m more productive when I use a fine-point Sharpie than when I use my “good art pens”) and give in to your imagination.

Except in my case my imagination looks something like this:

It’s the Butter Queen herself, with Saladfingers to boot! This should not be surprising, seeing as how every time Neyrelle and I get together for dinner we end up  quoting Paula from this video: 

You’re welcome. It will now be stuck in your head forever. Here’s some visual reference for Neyrelle’s and my tea parties:

I have to give the boy some credit; he puts up with me making Saladfingers noises at him. For that, he gets a drawing. But no, really (also I was in dire need of perspective/background practice and I have a pretty good memory of what his cafe looks like) :

Alas, the right wall doesn’t bend like that. Next time, wall, NEXT TIME I will get you for sure!

Neyrelle and I stayed up all night watching Avatar, The Last Airbender, one lovely night during spring break. I love Toph!

On Saturday, Mike and I went to lunch, to Tokyo Rebel (where I gazed and touched and cried blood and tears because I haven’t made nearly enough to afford one of those gorgeous Lolita dresses yet) and then to a bagel place where we sat down and drew self-portraits of each other. I adore his use of color and his collage work; GO LOOK AT HIS ART RIGHT NOW.

Last, but not least, a preview: I’m currently working on a new comic for class (and by Thor, it will be finished this time) and was playing around with this character’s outfit:

If I’m this productive within the next week and can manage ANOTHER update, it will be a miracle. Here’s hoping. Hope you guys have a lovely week! Don’t forget to get your eight hours every night, as I’m sitting here yawning my head off in the computer lab and desperately wishing I had a cup of strong tea.
