I’m getting better at this whole regular updating thing!

Great, awesome, exciting news: this summer, I will be an administrative assistant in the art department at Scholastic, yay! Children’s books! Bright, primary colors! ART! YAY! I’m super excited for this job, which will give me more insight into my potential future career path… which is why I am neglecting my due-in-two-weeks lab report to draw and blog and write. WHOOPS. We had some funny answers to our surveys, though… even though it was mostly just fill-in-number-scales. Anyways, onward!

I’ve been doing little $5 doodle commissions, mostly of people’s characters. If you’ve ever wanted some artwork from me, they’re still going on. Just drop me an email!

So there’s that.

More srsbsns wise, I started drawing a comic. It turned into an autobiographical comic about something that happened to me in high school. I don’t know if I’ll continue it, because I think it stands all right on its own as a two-pager, and I’m not sure if I can write about it the way I want to, still, but we will see. Breakups happen, and they suck, but this one in particular left a really deep impression… although, if it weren’t for this breakup, things would have gone a whole lot differently. It definitely worked out for the best, but it’s one of those things you still think about from time to time. This medium is the first to somewhat accurately capture what I wanted to capture.

Plus it was great incentive to play with this new thick-wobbly-nonstraight-line-panel style.

Next week: more comics, Wendy dying in class, no more puppy (she’s going home today, BOO), probably an angry drawing or two. See you then!